The goal of this grassroots campaign is to have a least one Garden in every Congressional District in time for the commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the end of WWII in 2020. (Groups in Oregon and Connecticut have already established Gardens in all of their Districts.)
There are several ways that folks are participating in this national grassroots effort. Innovation and new ideas are strongly encouraged so that the Gardens network reflects the diversity and personality of all parts of America.
If you would like your community to be part of the Rosie the Riveter Memorial Rose Gardens national network,
please contact us at RosieGardens@Spiritof45.org
Basic Steps for Creating a
Rosie the Riveter Memorial Rose Garden
To help you get started, here are some basic steps for creating and sustaining a Rosie the Riveter Memorial Rose Garden in your community that can be a part of the larger national network:
- Choose a Location
- Order Rosie the Riveter Roses
- Invite partners
- Notify local media
- Order official Garden sign
- Plan events & activities
- Share your story
Choose a Location -
Gardens are being planted at existing WWII & veterans memorials, museums, Girl Scout camps, town halls, libraries, schools, municipal parks, cemeteries, and other high visibility public spaces.
Order Rosie the Riveter Roses -
"The Rosie the Riveter Rose pays tribute to the women who worked in factories and shipyards during World War II... the workhorse of the garden, producing an arsenal of flowers." More...
Gardens range in size from two or three Rose plants to as many as two dozen.
You should can order your Rosie Roses as soon as possible in the fall so they will be ready for planting in the new year.
You can order the Rosie the Riveter Florabunda Rose from your local nursery or online from one of these vendors:
For more advice on ordering your Rosie roses, contact Linda Laurie at lsizzle@AOL.com. Linda helped plant the first Gardens in Southern California. campaign and is helpng coordinate this national grassroots effort.
National campaign director Linda Laurie with first Rosie the Riveter rose plant in San Diego
Invite Partners -
The Rosie the Riveter Memorial Rose Garden campaign is bringing a wide variety of groups together to honor the legacy of the women who made history on the Home Front and to inspire a new generation of "21st Century Rosies."
- Service organizations - Local Girl Scouts troops, Arnold Air Society & Silver Wings chapters, community service clubs (Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary), veterans groups (Air Force Association, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, etc.), women's clubs and leadership organizations (Womens Club, National Association of Women Business Owners, Women in Technology, Women in Manufacturing, etc.
- Historical societies & museums
- Elected officials - mayor/city councils, governor, state and federal representatives To locate your elected officials, go to USA.gov Be sure to urge them to pass the Rosie the Riveter Congressional Gold Medal legislation now pending in the U.S. Senate (S.2500) and the House of Representatives (H.R.4912) !
- Senior living communities & assisted care givers -
- Businesses (especially those that women and/or are known for their commitment to gender equality in the workplace.
Notify the Media -
Once you have confirmed your location and established partnerships with your first tier stakeholders, contact your local media to tell the story of your Garden and promte additional pubic awareness and participation and ask them to help find Rosies who may be living in the community they serve so they can be acknowledged.
For some examples of media coverage of Gardens, click here.
Order your official Garden sign -
By displaying the official sign, your Garden will be included in the Rosie the Riveter Memorial Rose Gardens national registry and map locator. Signs can be ordered from Carlson Signs. Ask to speak to Ardis. 541-382-2182
Plan events & activities -
To ensure that your Garden continues to flourish and fulfills its mission as a reminder of the legacy of the Rosies, enlist groups like the Girl Scouts to plan and implement public events and activities:
- Ground breaking/Dedication ceremony Your Garden can be introduced to the public by having a ceremony attended by partners and the press.
- Celebrate National Rosie the Riveter Day Your Garden can help promote public awareness about National Rosie the Riveter Day which Congress has designated as March 21st, as part of National Women's History Month. While Rosie Roses will not be in bloom in most parts of the country during this time of the year, you can have a public gathering at your Garden to mark the Day, e.g. reflections and "Rosie readings" by Girl Scouts.
- Rally for the Rosies on Spirit of '45 Day The National Park Service organizes a Rosie Rally each year at the Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front Historical Park during Spirit of '45 Day weekend in August when many Gardens are in full bloom. This is a great way to draw attention to your Garden as America remembers the men and women of its "Greatest Generation."
- Veterans Day March of WWII Heroes You can draw attention to your Rosie Garden and promting National Rosie the Riveter Day by forming a Spirit of '45 WWII March of Heroes entry in your local Veterans Day parade in November. For more infomration visit
Veterans Day - Spirit of '45
A Rosie the Riveter Memorial Rose Gardens patch for Girl Scouts and others who help establish and sustain their Garden are available for $3.00 by contacting Info@Spiritof45.org.
Official Rosie the Riveter Memorial Rose Gardens service patch. Girl Scouts sing Rosie anthem "Yes, She Can!" during Garden dedication ceremony in Callaway, FL.
Share your stories -
All registered Gardens are required to send in a photo each year to verfity that it is well maintained, and to document your activities that show your Garden "at work," including any press coverage it has received.
Need more information? Contact us at Info@Spiritof45.org