Mae with volunteers Sharla Rausch and Ami Vandevelde. Mae and Sharla visiting H.R. 4912 Sponsor and long time Rosie supporter Congresswoman Jackie Speier. Mae visiting the office of co-sponsor Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut. Mae Krier Walks Capitol Hill to urge passage of Rosie the Riveter Congressional Gold Medal Mae Krier, 92, walked through all six Senate and House office buildings on November 13, 2018 (a total of more than 6 miles), to urge members of Congress to pass the Rosie the Riveter Congressional Medal of Honor legislation introduced earlier this year, before the current Session ends on January 3, 2019. Mae was accompanied by Spirit of '45 National Supervisor Warren Hegg and Debi Wynn of the American Rosie the Riveter Association, who recruited volunteers to canvass all 535 offices in a single day, meeting staffers and distributing rack cards and a personal message from Mae. Spirit of '45 and ARRA will continue to keep reminding the members of the importance of passing the S. 2300 and H.R. 4912 in time for families and friends of surviving Rosies tocelebrate over the holidays. Here are some photos of Mae and the team in action: Mae with Debi Wynn of the American Rosie the Riveter Association and and Sharla Rausch, Stacy Selken of R.Riveter, and Tanner Sampson who volunteered to help canvas Congressional offices. With Congressional guides and preparing to board the U.S. Senate shuttle. Visiting the offices of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and current Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan and his successor Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, to ask for their help in passing the Rosie the Riveter Congressional Gold Medal before the end of the 115th Congress Rack cards distributed to all members of Congress, explaining the importance of acknowledging the Rosies as a way to promote national unity and honor the role of women in America "To get the pot to boil, you have to put the fire under the pot!" Mae and her team of volunteers met staffers in each office to ask them to take the message directly to their representative and help establish a communication link with all the offices that were visited so Mae could personally follow up with each of them. Mae with Congressional staffers